
I just LOVE random bursts of inspiration!

So I was in the middle of cooking dinner tonight and I happened to look out my window and notice the sunlight.  [When your a photographer, you begin to analyze light ALL the time!]  The lighting was perfect outside so what did I do?  I grabbed my camera and a few interior decorations in my house and ran outside.  It's such a neat feeling when you know that you have the most perfect lighting of the day because your mind just starts racing with ideas.  I love feeling that rush of creativity!  Anyways, I took some pictures outside and then went inside and took a few by a window before the sun went down completely.  After taking the pictures, I had to finish dinner because if I would have sat down and started editing them right then and there my poor fiance wouldn't have had any dinner, lol.  So I finished making dinner and cleaned up and then after that I sat down and had fun editing my pictures.  I love the way they came out!

I used to shoot JPEG and didn't understand why people shot in RAW format but back in May I decided to try it out and see what RAW was all about and now i'm hooked!  I'll never go back to shooting JPEG!  Sure, RAW takes up so much more memory on my card but when it comes to editing my pictures I have so much more freedom and I can make the picture what I want it to be rather than my camera's settings having a say in the outcome of my picture.

Here are a few of my favorite shots from today   =)

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